VR Horror Puzzle Demo

(Video clip above)

The overall concept of this project was to create a VR Horror game with puzzle-solving elements, as well as a mechanic which involves avoiding making too much noise, which would alert the monster. This game was developed in Unreal Engine 5. I programmed it entirely with Blueprints using Object-Oriented Programming concepts. I created the sound effects using a mix of original foley recordings and sound libraries.

The gameplay features I implemented include:

  • Free / smooth player movement controls, as well as a camera reset function, using dual motion controllers.
  • Teleport controls (not used in video).
  • VR Comfort options, such as vignette around periphery during movement (not used in video).
  • Ability to interact with objects using players’ hands.
  • Physics-based interactions and collisions between player hands and objects, as well as between objects.
  • Generation of sound effects driven by physics interaction between objects (such as the goblets getting knocked over), as well as material type.
  • Audio triggered by events and player proximity.
  • Triggers based on events (For example, if the player knocks over the goblets, it generates noises in-game which causes the monster to appear. If the player is looking at the monster, then it triggers a jump-scare event).
  • Hint system using text and VFX, which can be triggered by how long a player takes to solve a puzzle, or if they attempt to use an object in the wrong place.
  • Title Screen and Game Over / Victory end screens.
  • Simple puzzles to solve.